Labelle Photo » Ottawa Professional Headshot and Portrait Photographer

Patrick Carpentier


So the story goes like this…

Yesterday I received an email from Belanger RV/Auto dealer to invite me to an event at their dealership. They mentioned that Patrick Carpentier would be on hand with his race car to sign autographs. Patrick is a Nascar driver. They also included a link to YouTube to promote the event:

Knowing that my colleague Leon covers Nascar, I sent him an email letting him know about the event.

Well folks, this is where it gets interesting…
After Leon checks out the video, he writes thanking me for the heads-up and also that, in his words, “they STOLE my picture!”
If you watch the video, at the 14-15 second mark, there is a photo of Partrick that was taken from Leon’s stream:

So I go there this morning, bring up Leon’s Flickr stream on my phone and ask Patrick to hold it and let me take a photo of him holding my phone displaying a photo of himself.

And now… you know the rest of the story…

**P.S. The photo was not “borrowed” by the dealership themselves but by a marketing company hired by the dealer.**

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