Labelle Photo » Ottawa Professional Headshot and Portrait Photographer

Split second decisions…

Split second decisions… we make them everyday.
But how many of us can say that the decisions we make may have saved a life or two?
On my way home tonight, I came across this scene that had happened just a minute before my arrival. After assessing everyone was OK, the photographer part of me kicked in. What had happened is that, an Audi Wagon driven by a young woman taking her two sons to their soccer game, had come to an abrupt stop on Innes Road in Orleans. The speed limit at that section of Innes is 80KM/HR. As she came to her stop, looking into her rear view mirror, she could see the large utility truck barreling down upon her. At the last second, the driver of the truck turned his truck into the ditch, avoiding a certain collision. Little did he know that in the back seat of the relatively small car in front of him, were two young boys, on their way to a soccer match. It was a rough landing, a little rougher than the truck driver thought it might be, but he was OK. Actually, talking to him just after his harrowing detour, he spoke very calmly about the incident and his decision. He said he did not really have a choice… he chose the ditch. He said that had he not steered the truck into the ditch, the outcome would certainly be much different and we would be talking about another story all together.

Truck In Ditch

Truck In Ditch

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