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One Nite Wonders

One Nite Wonders, presented by the Lift Foundation and Women for Mental Health, was an exceptionally fun event that was held last night at the Shenkman Arts Centre.
The evening began with cocktails in the beautiful foyer of the Orleans Arts Centre, where guests mingled and got reacquainted with friends and business associates alike.

Hosted by Valerie Pringle,  the evening kicked off with Annie Lennox (Henrietta Southam) who launched into a set of her greatest hits.
The evening continued with such favourites as Diana Ross and the Supremes (Jamilah Murray & Diane Lang), ABBA (Sarah Briones, David Cork & Lisa Elliot), and The Rat Pack consisting Ottawa’s well know Chiefs, just to name a few of the artists.

The highlight of the evening was when Nathalie Holmes spoke so eloquently and delivered a powerful message about her own struggles with mental health issues.

The purpose of the evening, of course, was to raise funds and bring awareness of mental health issues into the open. In today’s world, it is a statistical reality that someone you know has a mental illness and is unable to talk about it. Through the  Women for Mental Health campaign of the The Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health, the evening raised in excess of $250,000.00!!!
Women for Mental Health is a philanthropic program at The Royal, bringing together like-minded women who will inspire conversations and support for mental health – to shift attitudes and make real progress in changing the way people think about this condition, and this they did last night, in a big way!
One Night Wonders



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