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A few years ago I bought James Nachtwey’s Inferno as I was an admirer of James’ work.
The book is not cheap by any means, and is massive. 480 pages, weighs as much as a coffee table and is 11 by 15 inches, two-and-a-quarter inches thick.
It is not a book for everyone but everyone should see it.
A few days ago I picked it up and flipped through it’s pages and once again, cannot understand how mankind can do these things to one another or even worse, look away and do nothing at all.

The book opens with this epigraph from Dante’s “Inferno”:
“Through me is the way to the sorrowful city. Through me is the way to join the lost people.”

Following  a brief introduction, we head into the inferno, accompanying Nachtwey on his trip through hell.
It’s breathtakingly bad stuff.  It’s the worst news there is and, needless to say, continues at this moment.

T w i t t e r
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